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We free human hands from repetitive tasks

Who We Are
About the team
Press kit

Who we are

Manufacturers struggle to put robots to work in their factory because it’s still too costly and too complicated. Robotiq's tools and know-how simplify collaborative robot applications, so factories can start production faster. Robotiq works with a global network of connected robot experts supporting their local manufacturers.

  • Respect

    Respect, honesty, integrity and responsability are the roots of all our actions. We strive to respect all our commitments towards ourselves, our clients and partners.

  • Positive attitude

    We address challenges with a positive attitude and we find solutions. We constantly look forward into a world of opportunities!

  • Simplicity

    Simplicity is our close friend to easily implement our solutions in an often complex world. We preach by simplicity for a sustainable growth and to transform our clients’ challenges into simple, integrated solutions.

  • Creative impact

    We focus our flow of creativity into new solutions to have a direct impact on ourselves and our clients competitiveness. Curiosity leads us to build new and useful solutions built around our clients’ reality.

  • Teamwork and family support

    Our collaboration, communication, determination and team spirit are the reasons of our success as a business. We cultivate a family spirit and prone a healthy work-life balance, because we know the importance of having a healthy mind in a healthy body!

Wherever you are across the globe, let Robotiq come to you.

Browse our global distributors network
Robotiq is the humans behind the robots: a team of passionate people in an employee-shareholder cooperative working with an international network of partners.


Get to know the latest events and seminars.

November 3rd
to November 6th


Get to know the values that are at the core of our company

  • Make a difference
  • Grow
  • Change the world
  • Stimulating job
    Quality of life
  • Share success

Press kit

The press kit includes information on:

  • Who we are
  • Our team
  • Our products and solutions
  • Press releases
  • Educational content on robotics and automation
  • Pictures and videos
Download our press kit

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