Completely turnkey product and can be installed in a matter of days. Accommodate diverse payloads and pallet heights with ease and adaptability. ROI in less than 12 months.
If I was to go back in time to give myself some advice, I’d say ‘Do it sooner.’ Sure, there are upfront costs, but it’s very easily justifiable and it’s very beneficial to the business and people.
As a co-manufacture for coffee, the speed with which we can changeover between 400 individual SKUs and dozens of pallet configurations has been a real game-changer. You simply do not lose any time. It’s continuous coffee manufacturing.
Robotiq has been an exemplary partner throughout the entire procuring and deployment process. They have gone above and beyond to ensure that the palletizer suited us perfectly, providing on-site visits and flying to Korea if needed.
I would recommend Robotiq to any manufacturer. They live up to and deliver on their promise, which is cobots that will make your manufacturing operations better, easier, and safer. They made us a better factory just by them being here.