購入発注 - 標準取引条件
1. 全般:
2. 保証:
売り手は1年または売り手の提案の書面で具体的に表記された期間(以下「保証期間」といいます)の間、売り手によって製造された新品で未使用の製品に、材質および仕上がりの欠陥がないことを保証します。売り手は、保証期間内に、売り手が欠陥パーツとみなしたパーツを修理または交換します。ただしそれは、売り手の指示通り、あるいは(それらの指示には常に従いつつ)一般に認められている業界の慣行に従って製品がインストールおよび操作されており、またさらに、製品が製品設計上の通常の条件下で使われ、適任者の監督の下、製品が必要適切な手入れ、潤滑油の注入、保護および整備を受けている場合に限られます。買い手によるグリッパーの改造や修理は、保証を無効にします。買い手は、製品を売り手に送り返す前に売り手から返品承認番号(Returned Material Authorization, RMA)を取得する必要があります。売り手は、ロボットの生産率または売り手の製品を利用して作成したパーツの質について保証しません。いかなる場合においても、製品もしくはサービスの売り手から買い手への販売または本標準取引条件が適用されるあらゆる取引から生じる形で、契約違反、過失、不実表示またはその他において、利益損失、借用金または投資金の利子、品物の損傷、作業停止またはその他が発生する結果となったかを問わず、売り手は、あらゆる特殊、間接的あるいは派生的な損害について、人、会社または企業に対する賠償責任を負いません。欠陥もしくは侵害についてまたは製品もしくはサービスの売り手から買い手への販売に関係するあらゆる行為について、契約、過失、厳格責任、不法行為、保証不履行またはその他に基づくかを問わず、売り手の責任および買い手の唯一の法的救済は、売り手の自由裁量により、欠陥品もしくはサービスの修理もしくは交換またはその購入額の返金に限定されます。前述事項は、売り手の唯一かつ排他的な責任を形成し、また、買い手あるいは買い手の代理としてもしくは買い手を通じて請求する者の唯一かつ排他的な救済を形成します。
3. 技術情報:
4. 配送:
配送はEx Worksとします。売り手の工場またはその他の出荷地点における配送者への製品配送は、買い手への配送の構成要素であり、輸送費の支払いを問わず、権利はその時点で移譲されます。輸送中のすべての損失または損害のリスクは、買い手が負います。輸送中の損失または損害に対する商品保険は、買い手側独自の責任です。配送の約束は売り手の最良の判断に基づくもので、売り手は、同意通りの時間に発注物を提供するよう努力します。しかし、いかなる原因で配送に遅延が出ても、売り手はその結果生じたとされる損害に対する責任を負いません。出荷および配送の日付は、誠意をもって見積もられたものであり、概計です。出荷および配送の日付は、常に本取引条件に従うもので、買い手による本取引条件の順守および買い手が必要とする取引条件の審査と承認の迅速な実施に依存します。売り手は、出荷の延滞による罰金を支払う責任を負わず、売り手によって作成された書面においてそのような罰金条項に明示的に同意していない限り、出荷の延滞を理由に申し立てられたいかなる形態の罰金支払いに関する条項に拘束されません。
5. 支払い条件:
6. 税金およびその他の課金:
7. 価格決定ポリシー:
8. 誤りと相違:
9. 不可抗力:
10. 知的財産保護:
11. 準拠法:
Services – Standard Terms and Conditions
The present Terms and Conditions of Services shall apply to any provision of Services by Robotiq to End Users, in accordance with an automation solution center agreement between Robotiq and the ASC, or directly to the End User. The End User accepts without limitation or reservation the present Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions
The following terms, when used herein, shall have the meanings set forth or referenced below.
- “ASC” means the legal or natural person that has entered into an automation solution center agreement with Robotiq pertaining to the distribution and sale of Robotiq’s products and Services to End Users.
- “Buyer” means the legal or natural person that is purchasing Services from Robotiq. This may be the ASC or the End User.
- “End User” means the customer to whom Robotiq shall provide the Services. The End User may or may not be an ASC’s customer.
- “Intellectual Property” means all materials, trademarks, trade names, patents, inventions, software, documentation, designs, industrial designs, tools, know-how, techniques, processes, methodologies, works and other similar components that may be supplied to the End User or created, developed, acquired or used by Robotiq in the performance of the Services;
- “Robotiq” means Robotiq inc.;
- “Services” means the professional consulting services provided by Robotiq to the End User, as further detailed in the Quotation
- “Quotation” means the document provided to the End User by Robotiq describing the Services, as well as details relating to the Services, including the price and duration of the Services;
2. General Obligations
- 2.1Robotiq shall perform the Services in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the present Terms and Conditions and the Quotation in all material respects, and shall use its best efforts to perform the Services Options in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and commercial standards generally observed in the industry for similar professional services.
- 2.2Robotiq shall use its best efforts to provide Services which are compliant with the End User’s local regulations, including but not limited to machine directive and low voltage.
- 2.3Notwithstanding the foregoing, the End User shall be solely responsible for the implementation and the deployment of the solutions recommended by Robotiq as part of the Services within the End User’s operations and facilities. The End User is solely responsible for ensuring such implementation and deployment of solutions are compliant with all applicable local laws and regulations.
- 2.4End Users shall have at all time sufficient computer and robotic equipment as well as communication tools to enable the provision of Services.
- 2.5In some circumstances, access to the Services may require interaction with third-party software, platforms or computer programs. When necessary, the End User may be subject to the terms and conditions of use of third parties that are not under the control of Robotiq.
3. Intellectual Property
- 3.1The End User acknowledges and agrees that:
- 3.1.1any and all Robotiq's Intellectual Property Rights are the sole and exclusive property of Robotiq, its suppliers, partners and licensors;
- 3.1.2The End User shall not acquire any ownership interest in any of Robotiq’s Intellectual Property Rights under the present Terms and Conditions of Services; and
- 3.1.3The End User shall use Robotiq’s Intellectual Property Rights only in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the instructions of Robotiq.
- 3.2The present Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as precluding or limiting in any way Robotiq’s right to provide similar or other services of any kind or nature to any person or entity.
4. Restriction on Use
The Services and materials delivered in connection therewith are provided by Robotiq for the End User’s internal use and information only and may not be distributed, published, made available or otherwise relied upon by any other person, without Robotiq’s express prior written permission.
5. Limitation of Liability
- 5.1Robotiq (as well as its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents and contractors) gives no warranty, express or implied, with respect to:
- 5.1.1the suitability of the Services with the expectations and needs of the End User;
- 5.1.2the computer and robotic equipment of the End User, its operation and that of its hardware and software components; and
- 5.1.3the benefits, financial or otherwise, real or anticipated, positive or not, resulting or likely to result from the Services.
- 5.2The End User is solely responsible for:
- 5.2.1obtaining, procuring, configuring, maintaining, paying for and protecting against any damage or loss of any equipment required for the use of the Services;
- 5.2.2ensuring the robot or equipment operated according to the Services is deployed and operated safely and according to local regulations; and
- 5.2.3providing a safe and suitable equipment, site and environment for the provision of the Services, including, but not limited to, when Robotiq directly controls the End User’s robotic equipment.
- 5.3Robotiq (as well as its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents and contractors) may not under any circumstances be held liable to the End User if business opportunities or revenues are lost in relation to the provision of Services.
- 5.4Should any damage occur as a result of the negligence of Robotiq or one of its officers, employees, agents or contractors during the provision of Services, Robotiq will compensate the End User for damages incurred by the End User, up to the amount of the price paid by the End User to Robotiq for the Services performed.
6. Terms of payment
The terms of payment for the price of the Services are detailed in the Quotation. Robotiq reserves the right to collect payment in part or in full as a condition of acceptance of a Quotation from the Buyer. Should the Buyer’s financial responsibility become unsatisfactory to Robotiq, cash payment or satisfactory security may be demanded by Robotiq and in default of such cash payment or satisfactory security, delivery of services herein may be discontinued at the option of Robotiq and the Buyer shall pay Robotiq the price for the Services performed up to the date of interruption of the Services. Robotiq retains all other remedies it may have as a result of Buyer’s unsatisfactory financial responsibility. When an account becomes past due according to its payment terms, interest will be charged at the greater of 1.50% per month (18% per year) or the maximum permitted by law until paid.
7. Taxes and Other Charges
Any manufacturer’s tax, retailer’s occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, transportation insurance or any other tax, fee or charge of any nature whatsoever, imposed by any governmental authority, on or measured by any transaction between Robotiq and Buyer, shall be paid by Buyer in addition to the prices included in the Quotation or invoiced.
8. Pricing Policy
Prices indicated in the Quotations are for acceptance within 30 days.
9. Errors and Variances
All clerical errors in Robotiq’s Quotations, acknowledgments and invoices are subject to correction.
10. General Provisions
- 10.1The present Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Quebec and the applicable laws of Canada, without regard to the conflict of law principles thereof. The End User agrees to be bound by these laws and to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Québec, Province of Quebec, any claim or dispute with respect to the interpretation or application of the present Terms and Conditions.
- 10.2The End User may not assign or transfer the rights of use granted herein without the prior written consent of Robotiq.