Automation isn’t just a competitive advantage anymore—it’s a necessity. But adopting automation...

フォーストルクセンサFT 300-S
FT 300-Sは多軸力・トルクセンサで、ロボットが力に敏感なタスクを実行できるようにします。ロボット制御を改善し、プログラミングを簡素化するために、ロボットの接点を正確に検出・測定します。
IP65に準拠しているため、高い再現性と精度を必要とするあらゆるアプリケーションに最適です。FT 300-Sは、クリーンな環境、汚れた環境、過酷な環境のいずれでも使用できるように設計されています。
±300 N
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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- カップリングが容易なコンパクト設計。
- プラグ&プレイの統合。
- 直感的で強力なソフトウェア(Force Copilot)付属。
- オムロンTM、テックマンロボット、ユニバーサルロボット(CBシリーズ)に対応。
- LinuxとWindowsで利用可能な開発パッケージ。
- IP65等級。
- 埃、ゴミ、水が存在する環境でも使用可能。
- 産業環境。
- 正確なオブジェクトの配置、アライメント、挿入。
- 重心位置を基準に、工具の重量を調整可能。
- センサー値のリセット。
- 複雑な軌道のためのハンドガイドロボットの動き。
- 各軸の力と剛性は一定。
- 正確で再現性の高い、高分解能の測定が可能。
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
FT 300-Sフォーストルクセンサは、正確で再現性の高い高分解能の測定を行います。このプラグアンドプレイツールは、組立、挿入、ピックアンドプレース、仕上げ、品質検査、機械操作などのアプリケーションにおいて、器用さ、柔軟性、信頼性を高め、コボットセルの能力を向上させます。
FT 300-Sセンサーの硬い金属組成と摩耗のないセンシング技術は、高い精度と再現性を保証します。また、このセンシング技術は、製品寿命の間、校正が不要であることを意味します。校正が不要ということは、生産のダウンタイムがないということです!
Robotiq FT 300-S の設置は、手動で設定する必要がなく、ロボット工学の知識がなくても行えます。プラグアンドプレイの統合により、このツールは設定を簡単かつ迅速に行うことができます。また、パワフルで直感的なソフトウェア(Force Copilot)も搭載されています。
フォース・トルク・センサ・ソフトウェア(Force Copilot)は、あらゆるレベルのロボット工学の専門知識を持つユーザーが、力覚タスクを素早く設定できるようにします。このソフトウェアはユーザーのパラメータを取得し、複雑な力覚タスクをプログラミングなしで実行します。
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
Read more
Quality Testing
Read more
Quality Testing
Read more
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
工具重量 0.44kg(1ポンド) 測定範囲 300 N (FX, FY, FZ) / ± 30 Nm (MX, MY, MZ) 過負荷容量 500% 外部ノイズ感度 免疫 データ出力レート 100 Hz 防塵保護等級(IP) IP65 動作温度 15から35°C(59から95°F)