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3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper

The 3-Finger Gripper is the best option for maximum versatility and flexibility. It picks up any object of any shape.
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The 3-Finger Adaptive Gripper is ideal for advanced manufacturing and robotic research. It adapts to the object’s shape for a solid grip, so you can focus on the task and not the grasping.

Quality Testing

Machine Tending


Pick & Place

Gripper features

4 grip types

Pinch Mode
Wide Mode
Scissor Mode
Basic Mode

Control fingers separately

Get feedback from each finger

Plug + Play

Install and program your robot in a few minutes with our Gripper URCap

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Easy to integrate, easy to use

The 3-Finger Adaptive Gripper is a perfect fit with UR. It installs in minutes on the Universal Robot arm, and our Gripper UR+ makes its configuration and programming fast and intuitive.

The 3-Finger Gripper is compatible with most industrial robot manufacturers. We provide hardware and communication options to install the Gripper on most industrial robots.

Download our new URCap for 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper.

Versatile Gripper

With force, position and speed control for each finger and 4 different grip modes, the 3- Finger Gripper can almost pick anything.

Get inspired with these examples of innovative projects using our Grippers and Sensors: teleoperation, human-robot collaboration, mobile robotics, bin picking, kitting and advanced assembly.


Gripper opening 0 to 155 mm 0 to 6.1 in
Gripper weight 2.3 kg 5 lbs
Object diameter for encompassing 20 to 155 mm 0.79 to 6.1 in
Maximum recommended payload (encompassing grip) 10 kg 22 lbs
Maximum recommended payload (fingertip grip) 2.5 kg 5.5 lbs
Grip force (fingertip grip) 30 to 70 N 6.74 to 15.74 lbf

Gripper opening

0 to 155 mm 0 to 6.1 in

Gripper weight

2.3 kg 5 lbs

Object diameter for encompassing

20 to 155 mm 0.79 to 6.1 in

Maximum recommended payload (encompassing grip)

10 kg 22 lbs

Maximum recommended payload (fingertip grip)

2.5 kg 5.5 lbs

Grip force (fingertip grip)

30 to 70 N 6.74 to 15.74 lbf

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