Automation isn’t just a competitive advantage anymore—it’s a necessity. But adopting automation...

Sbloccare le applicazioni sensibili alla forza
Scopri Force Copilot
Force Copilot è un software intuitivo per il funzionamento del sensore di forza-coppia incorporato Universal Robots e-Series. Il software è incluso anche con il sensore di forza-coppia Robotiq FT 300-S, da installare sui cobot della serie CB.
Force Copilot accelera la programmazione di un'ampia gamma di applicazioni, tra cui l'inserimento di pezzi e la ricerca di superfici. Offre una serie di funzioni di configurazione che danno un "senso del tatto" ai robot collaborativi Universal Robots. Force Copilot colma il divario tra l'intuizione umana e la precisione robotica, senza bisogno di conoscenze di robotica.
50 MM
Programmazione accelerata per molte applicazioni
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
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Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Programmazione semplificata
Programmazione semplificata
- Barra degli strumenti ActiveDrive: consente di accedere a più modalità di controllo del robot per facilitarne la manipolazione.
- Registrazione dei percorsi - È sufficiente guidare il robot a mano mentre registra le traiettorie preferite o complesse.
- Nodo sensore Zero FT - Annulla l'offset del segnale del sensore prima delle attività abilitate alla forza, per ottimizzare la ripetibilità.
- Inserimento - Combina forza e precisione per gestire spazi piccoli o ristretti.
- Trova superficie - Rileva quando un oggetto ha raggiunto una superficie solida.
- Controllo della forza - Controllo della forza applicata durante l'esecuzione di una traiettoria del robot.
- Evento forza - Consente al robot di attendere forze esterne o il rilevamento dell'assemblaggio (rilevamento del clic).
- Rilevamento delle collisioni - Previene i danni agli utensili arrestando il robot se vengono rilevate forze anomale.
- Percorso multipunto - Programma facilmente una sequenza di waypoint collegati da linee o curve.
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Controllo della forza semplificato
Con l'enfasi sulle interfacce di facile utilizzo e l'elevata efficienza, Force Copilot rivoluziona le applicazioni di manipolazione, assemblaggio, finitura e pick-and-place, stabilendo un nuovo standard nelle tecnologie robotiche e nell'accessibilità per l'utente.
Force Copilot è stato progettato per garantire affidabilità e adattabilità, liberando il pieno potenziale dei robot collaborativi e assicurando una produzione ininterrotta e di alta qualità.Design
Force Copilot rende accessibile a chiunque la complessa programmazione dei movimenti dei robot. Una serie di funzioni pre-programmate consente agli operatori di configurare rapidamente e facilmente attività sensibili alla forza, inserendo semplici parametri.
Force Copilot si integra perfettamente con i cobot UR e-Series e UR20 utilizzando i dati del sensore incorporato e si accoppia con i robot CB-Series tramite il sensore FT 300 di Robotiq. Non è necessario alcun hardware aggiuntivo!
L'interfaccia intuitiva di Force Copilot rende accessibile a chiunque la programmazione di movimenti robotici complessi. Force Copilot accelera la programmazione di applicazioni come l'inserimento di pezzi e la ricerca di superfici.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Si fidano di Force Copilot
Force Copilot assicura che ogni pezzo sia inserito nella macchina esattamente nel punto giusto.
Jackie Luciano
Vicepresidente di ZAGO Manufacturing
Con una o due righe di codice in Force Copilot, il software genera tutto il posizionamento dei pezzi.
Jacob Miller
Responsabile dell'ingegneria, Fusion OEM
Cases palletized in a day
Documenti di supporto per un'esperienza senza soluzione di continuità
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Morem ipsum dolor sit amet
Qorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) Stroke 50 mm (2.0 in) *Calculated for the use of silicon covered fingertips to grip a steel object, at a low robot acceleration.
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Cases palletized in a day
Versatile Applications of Hand-E Grippers by Robotiq
Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
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Quality Testing
Read more
Key Features of Hand-E Gripper by Robotiq
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Built for collaborative robots
- 50-mm stroke gripper model is suited to collaborative robots
- Integrates seamlessly with Robotiq’s Wrist Camera and FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
- Ergonomic shape for hand-guiding
Easy to integrate, easy to use
Robotiq’s Hand-E Gripper is simple to integrate in your production environment and easy for workers of all skill levels to use—no robotics experience required.Install your adaptive gripper in just a few minutes, thanks to our Plug + Play gripper kits. Then use our intuitive software interface to program directly on your robot’s touchscreen.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Accelerate your production line
Increase productivity and improve your cycle time with a dual configuration, which lets you handle more objects at a time. The dual Hand-E configuration is the perfect way to keep your CNC machine fed, even when your operators are away.
Technical Documentation
Gorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Robotiq has a variety of technical information available for your solution.
Force Copilot
Versione software richiesta PolyScope da 5.1.2 in poi Dipendenze Serie e: NA
SerieCB: Robotiq FT 300Tipo di licenza Acquisto una tantum
Plug & play